Part 3, which is the final part, details the upstairs floor and outside, which we optimized according to Feng Shui principles, all the while retaining the spirit of “staging” our home for sale aka nothing too personal or too unique or costly.
A Feng Shui consultant has a blank canvas for her Feng Shui renovation. The bones were good, but the house needed a lot of help. This is part 1 of the renovation.
Mindfulness, gentleness and honesty will play a big part in our success during this upcoming Water Rabbit Year.
2023 will also be great for solidifying careers, building block by block. Hard work and consistency will pay off, as well as professions involving writing, coaching, listening to others and the environment.
During the year of the Rat, the Flying Stars will make apparent that the following areas are best to avoid: the North, the South, the Center, andtheEast.
Use your unique voice to create something. If you don't feel creative or crafty enough to make a gift from scratch, make your own wrapping paper! Elevate the experience of giving by putting something of you in the gift.
As a feng shui consultant, I often field questions from my clients about how to tweak children's rooms so they're more conducive to sleep. Here are the 10 things I always recommend:
Some plants naturally cancel many of the allergens and volatile organic compounds that are present in cleaning products and in most air-conditioning units,. My favorite purifying plants that are also low-maintenance are peace lilies and snake plants.
According to Feng Shui, the reputation corner of your home will benefit from a predominance of fiery tones and objects, as well as symbols of a good reputation.
During 2019, the year of the Pig, the Flying Stars will make apparent that the following areas are best to avoid: the North East, the South, the South West and the South East.
Respect your home! If an object really matters to you, it should be fixed immediately. Looking at a damaged item daily will give you the sensation of feeling broken or beyond repair.
Dogs are loyal, steady and friendly creatures. There is a lot to look forward to, especially when it comes to global consciousness and social change. Can you feel it already?
Since Metal also triggers anxiety, discord and stress in houses, avoid crisp white as a wall color, and try to prefer earthy tones like off-white. In bedrooms especially, only skin tones should be used (brown, pink, cream, etc.)
The more you work on your spiritual quest, the more you realize all these ideas were also conditioned (someone else’s ideas). And as you awaken to this fact, your priorities start shifting naturally.
I am convinced that Feng Shui would be much more widespread if we really knew its origins and its relationship with the overarching philosophy conveyed in the I-Ching and in the Dao (which is derived from the I-Ching).