Tips for starting 2019 on a great note — Feng Shui with Me

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Tips for starting 2019 on a great note

A lot of people are now turning to Feng Shui for greater alignment in their lives, greater relationships, joy and abundance.  Famous businessmen, actors and athletes regularly ask consultants to assist them in their home renovations.  Just like more and more people turn to acupuncture for enhanced health and preventive treatments. After all, Feng Shui is to the house what acupuncture is to the body. 

But what about you?  Are you interested in turning to Feng Shui for a more in-depth look at how the interior design in your home can transform your life in a positive way?

The month of January is considered the best time to prepare for a Feng Shui makeover at home, before the Chinese new year. 

And because some of you don’t have the time or budget to hire a Feng Shui consultant, I have created an online course“Feng Shui your home in one day” that allows you to optimise this feeling of greater happiness and energy. 

Here are 9 easily applicable tips that I share in my in-depth course (among many many others).

1. Your front door

Front door: always pay attention to the mouth of Chi, the first point of entry of the Chi or universal energy in your home.  Watch that the front door is attractive (pay attention to how the door opens: does it crack? Does the lock seem solid? Does it open wildly and easily? Is the paint chipping?). Repair all that seems broken or flimsy. In addition, repainting your front door in a fun color before the new year can provide a new youth to your home. Where is your front door located on the Bagua map? (the map that correlates areas in your home with areas in your life). Ideally, you want to pick a color that is in agreement with the ruling element of the “Gua” (Feng Shui corner) where it is located (e.g. if your front door opens in the Career center, it is probably best to chose a darker shade, like charcoal, black or dark blue). The bagua map is a crucial tool in feng Shui. You can calculate it here.

2. Your entryway/ lobby

The entryway or lobby should be attractive and uncluttered. Ask yourself: What do I see when I get into my house? Is it calm? Is it welcoming? Does this seem like a prosperous house? Find the proper storage for shoes, coats and bags.  Usually optimizing storage right from the entrance helps you think of your belongings in a different way. Do I use everything I see? As an example, a lot of my clients have entryway closets stuffed with gift bags, summer hats, and beach towels. Are those items truly necessary for leaving the home to work on a rainy day? Probably not; so you can edit those and organize the rest into attractive boxes.  

3. Your kitchen 

Ideally, the kitchen should always be stocked with healthy food, which signifies abundance. Pay special attention to the stove, refrigerator, and pantry. Is your pantry optimized for easy access to your most-used spices, grains, and sauces? Optimizing your storage and layout will help you resist the temptation to reach for snacks too. Another important Feng Shui tip: if your sink (water element) is next to the stove or oven (fire element), you could consider placing an herb, plant, or wooden cutting board in between the two so that the elements of water and fire do not clash.

4. Your living room 

In the living room, proper storage is key again. In Feng Shui, we try to make our living rooms as cozy and relaxing as they get, which often means that some devices have to be tucked away or concealed. For ours, I have found proper containers of toys for the kids; I have put the TV in a place that is less central in the room since TVs can greatly disturb our connection with the greater good and to others and ourselves. A nicely edited and uncluttered bookshelf is way more restorative.  Give away the books you have read and loved to people who could be inspired by them! Treasure your books as inspirations not as things! Make sure your sofa is not placed under a beam which could have a "cutting energy". Ideally, you want to also shut off your wifi before bed in order to promote complete rest.   

5. The center of your home

It is the distribution center of energy in your home: it should be devoid of tall shelves or furniture. Its main ruling element is earth, so yellow, creams, gold tones can be the main colors for the center of your home. The center should be calm and relaxing (ideally, no staircases or toilets there). Consider an off-white rug for this area, which will act as a distribution center for all the good energy to flow into the rest of the rooms. Candles, plants in a ceramic pot, a Himalayan salt lamp, soft-textured armchairs and art that promotes health and peace should be displayed in that area. (But no depictions of water please!).  Again, please study your bagua map for compliance with the right elements. (as a reminder, the elements are fire, earth, metal, water and wood).

6. Your bedroom 

Consider having pairs of things in the bedroom (two nightstands, two lamps, two pillows, two dressers etc.). Pairs promote marital happiness and equality and promote finding a romantic partner if your are looking. The Chi (life energy) should flow freely under the bed for optimal sleep and rejuvenation. Look under your bed: only linen should be stored underneath. Find a dim lighting that you love. Look around: everything should inspire rest and romance. Bedrooms should promote yin restful energy, so please remove photos of people (except of the couple), large paintings, big plants, electronics, big objects and mirrors that could prevent you from being fully rested. 

7. The bathrooms 

Bathrooms: technically, a place where the Chi might go “down the drain”. Not considered lucky rooms, toilets used to be outside the home a few centuries ago in China. This exists less so nowadays, as most of us have clean and sometimes beautiful bathrooms. Close the doors of the bathrooms at all times and close down the lids of your toilets. I advise my clients to put a small mirror on the outside of the bathroom door so that the Chi stays inside the home and doesn’t disappear down the drain. For en-suite bathrooms, consider adding a door or curtain so that the bedroom is separated from the bathroom. 

8. The dining room

Most of us do not have much time to sit for a formal meal at the dining table, but really make an effort to use it this year. Breaking bread is one of the easiest ways to bond and incur positive chi in a home. When not used, you could place a big bowl of fresh fruits on the dinner table to invite positivity. Round, fresh fruits like pears and oranges are believed to attract wealth. You can even put a mirror next to the dinner table in order to magnify this luck!

9. Your home office

Paint your office walls stark white, which is a colour that promotes Yang Metal energy (as opposed to cream which promotes Yin relaxed energy). White is good for your mental energy, it activates thoughts and ideas! Consider placing your desk in the command position: facing the door, so you can always see who comes in. Tall bookshelves displaying photos of your successes like, awards, diplomas, and trophies should be placed behind you, as support. In addition, you could display a painting or photo of your totem animal for extra protection. A client of mine placed a rhinoceros (his totem animal) behind his desk to promote strength and confidence. Needless to say that he felt very well supported to accomplish his work. 

Of course, all of this Feng Shui bounty should be preceded by a thorough New Year decluttering phase. I personally love the Konmari method, which has changed my life and many of my clients' lives. The premise of Marie Kondo's book is to think differently about your "stuff". 

This is what I have for you so far. 

Please check out my course, which is a complete guide to your joy and happiness, and that you can finish it in one week!
Wishing you a very happy Feng Shui transformation and a happy 2019! 

Many blessings,
