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Before you start with Feng Shui…

Items required for a space clearing

The Decluttering bible


This book by Marie Kondo is inspired by the principles of Feng Shui. It is very easy to implement. I highly recommend it.



A gong:

I use this gong when:

- there is a special situation such as a move into a new house, an illness, a big argument, a divorce, a death... 

- or the space is particularly big, or has very high ceilings or outdoors. 

Pink crystals: 

Raw pink crystals enhance the Love and Marriage. They should be placed in pairs in the Love gua.

Raw pink crystals are useful around the home, in pairs in order to represent lasting love symbolism.

If you have a missing or incomplete Love Gua, you can anchor the missing Gua by planting a faceted rose crystal (spike up) directly in soil.

Water Fountain:

Recommended in the Career and Wealth areas, water fountains are tremendous Chi enhancers for the home.

It is advisable to seek guidance if you want to make sure to place the Water Fountain in the best possible spot in your home. Water features are powerful enhancers!

A purifying Himalayan Salt lamp:

I like to purify the air in my home by using this powerful healing and lighting source.

I highly recommend it for allergies, colds, and recycling air particles.

I use mine at least 1-2 hours a day. It is a great complement to the Salt Water Cure.

Chinese coins (in order to prepare your Salt water cures):

These coins can be placed with salt and water in a container so as to contain the yearly negative energies (Flying Stars). See my blog post about making a Salt Water Cure.

I order a big bag of Chinese coins for my salt water cures. They have symbols on one side.


Mirrors are used around the house as Chi enhancers (or chi directors). I like to place these macrame mirrors on my bathroom doors (with double tape, so they stay flush to the door).

In order to avoid good wasted Chi from entering the bathrooms (and go down the drain), I place a mirror on the outside of the bathroom door.

Other Feng Shui enhancers:

Raw rose quartz Crystals (see the description above) are used to attract Romance.

An Obsedian egg can be displayed in your office in order to dispel worries and negativity,

Simple faceted crystals can be hung from a string near a window in guas that need activating.