Feng Shui Videos — Feng Shui with Me

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Watch this DYI space clearing tutorial

Video credit: Valerie Defert



Space Clearing with the 5 elements. 

All homes carry heavy energy, especially after moving in or after an argument, a renovation or an illness. If you enjoy antique shopping, you may also need to clear the energy associated with the previous owners of the objects and furniture you buy. 

I recommend space clearing every week, or at least every month. There is scientific reason why smudging is good for you: it kills airborne pathogens! 

What you will need for the space clearing (that you don't already have in your home):

While you may have most of the items in your kitchen already: an attractive tray, a ceramic bowl, some herbs, you will need to purchase sage sticks, floating candles, and a bell. Please find below what I use for my space clearing. 

Other items needed (from your pantry/ kitchen): 

- Some herbs (thyme, rosemary, laurel)

- A ceramic bowl

- An attractive tray

- A gas lighter, or matches

Optional items: 

If the energy really needs a major break up (like after a fight or an illness), or for large spaces, I sometimes use my gong pictured below.

For crystals, I use these pink crystals (they can also be used in your love corner). 


Watch a home makeover at my client’s Paris apartment. 

Here I help my friend and client Aurelie redesign her house according to Feng Shui principles. Before and After.