Your Feng Shui-Approved Home Course — Feng Shui with Me

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 My Feng Shui Approved Home

Learn how to create a fully-Feng Shui approved home, devoid of any Feng Shui-related blockages, and full of energy, so that you can live the life you truly want.

Do you ever feel like the energy in your home is stunting your growth? Your life goals are difficult to achieve despite putting your best foot forward. Your energy is low or fluctuates too much. Things don't really flow...?

What if you woke up in a home where you feel energized, your heart full of love, your mind clear, your goals laid out and ready to seize the day? What if you could make free choices without fear of the future, and actually enjoyed spending time in your home?

What if you had amazing relationships, inside and outside your home, career opportunities, a refreshed perspective on life? What if your guests lingered at your house for hours, just because?

Have you considered using Feng Shui, the ancient art of rebalancing the energy in your home, in order to overcome life blockages and shake things up? Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that seeks to reenergize a space by using the Five Elements theory and the Yin Yang theory, among other powerful tools.

When practiced correctly, Feng Shui is transformational; it is life-altering. We could say that Feng Shui heals the home in the same way that Acupuncture heals your body.


“Thank you Marianne! My business has easily doubled after I made some Feng Shui changes to my office and home after completing your course! So thank you so very much!”

Rebecca T (Calgary, Canada).


“Things have gone busy at work! So busy that I hired a few new people and am getting a lot of work coming our way. Home life is much improved. I cleared out the dining area of the house and we sit as a family for meals and also play board games together. I didn’t realise how important it was for me but this takes me back to a lovely safe and loving place from my childhood”

Mark H. (London, UK)

student kiki

“Hi Marianne! I didn’t have the chance to tell you that after 15-20 days of the changes I made to my house, I found a partner who is very caring!!!! So, since it worked for me, I’m telling all my friends that they need to complete the course! I really appreciate your work.”

Kiki S. (Athens, Greece).

How the course works

Since the purpose of this course is to create a fully-Feng Shui home, we set up milestones to help you make consistent progress on your home (although you can take the milestones at your own pace if you like.)

  • Remove all the Feng Shui blockages present in your home (you'll see, the blockages are numerous and need to be taken care of before moving things around!)

  • Learn How to use the Bagua map, the foundation of all Feng Shui work.

  • Personalization: included is a 30-minute consultation with me (a $139 value) which helps ensure you did your Bagua Map correctly. I will also answer any question you have during the consultation.

  • Adjust and enhance all 8 areas of your Home Bagua map which correlate to areas in your life. Refine the work and understand how to apply the Yin/ Yang and Elemental theories (wood, fire, earth, metal and water) which will be necessary to reach balance and strength in all areas of your life.

  • Add personalization and finishing touches for a happy home and a vibrant life. And most importantly, to reach all your career, love, health, wealth or fertility goals.

Who should take this course (and who shouldn't!)

The course is suited for anyone who wants a different and more organic approach to reaching certain goals. People who want to stop controlling everything in their lives and believe in magic. People who are tired of their old habits and are determined to change from within. Your home is a manifestation of your interior life which influences your exterior life. Which means: you have to do it fully or not do it at all!

So if you know that you are holding on to certain things that may not be good for you, and that you can’t let go, this course is not for you.