bagua map — Articles and tips from Feng Shui consultant Marianne Gordon for better energy, health and luck — Feng Shui with Me

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bagua map

The most important part of your home to keep clean, according to feng shui

The most important part of your home to keep clean, according to feng shui

Lighting should be adequate so that your porch or front door stands out. It is also important that the house number be very visible from the street or in case you live in an apt, your apartment number should be visible from the hallway. Treat “chi” like a guest who is searching their way to your home.

The Bagua Map: A refresher

The Bagua Map: A refresher

The traditional or compass Bagua Map uses compass directions in order to detect the eight areas of your home. For example, the south corner of your home would be the fame and reputation corner. The East would represent Health and Ancestors etc. 

The Front Door method consists in aligning the front door with the bottom of the Bagua map.  

Has metal taken over our lives?

Has metal taken over our lives?

Since Metal also triggers anxiety, discord and stress in houses, avoid crisp white as a wall color, and try to prefer earthy tones like off-white. In bedrooms especially, only skin tones should be used (brown, pink, cream, etc.)