new year — Articles and tips from Feng Shui consultant Marianne Gordon for better energy, health and luck — Feng Shui with Me

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new year

Prepare for the new Water Rabbit year

Prepare for the new Water Rabbit year

Mindfulness, gentleness and honesty will play a big part in our success during this upcoming Water Rabbit Year.

2023 will also be great for solidifying careers, building block by block. Hard work and consistency will pay off, as well as professions involving writing, coaching, listening to others and the environment.

Why affirmations are better for you than New Year's resolutions

Why affirmations are better for you than New Year's resolutions

"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, magic and power in it. Begin it now." (Goethe) This has a lot to do with my career and it also reminds me of the importance to follow through, work hard, surmount obstacles and accept any outcomes. It also reminds me of the magic of creation.