The salt water cure *after*
I posted before the Chinese new year about a powerful remedy we use in Feng Shui – namely, the Salt Water Cure. (see my post on How to prepare it).
This cure is used to absorb negative energy, and is best placed where the yearly negative energies are expected to surge in your home. This year, as we have seen in a previous article, we will focus on curing the East, North, South and Center of our homes.
However, you don’t need a cure in all 4 negative directions, just one or two. As an example, I put mine in the East this year, as it is a convenient location to access, but is hidden from view (on top of my kitchen cabinet). (Be mindful of the fact that the cures have to be placed in open air, not in a closed cabinet.)
It could be placed behind a couch (if you’re sure that no one will knock it over), or behind a plant, or furniture. But if you spill it, the bad juju will be spilled everywhere. So super important to keep it away from pets, children, or any place where it is likely to be spilled.
As far as accessories go, a few people often ask if the real Chinese coins are needed. As a starter homemade kit, I would say, not necessarily. I do use them myself, however, as the Chinese characters that are located on the coins give the cure a lot more power. Be mindful that this cure will be discarded entirely, so do not use precious bowls, coins or containers, as they will end up in the trash at the end of the year!! (along with all the negative energies that have been collected along the way!).
Please find below a snapshot of my cure after only a month ! The energy it captured can’t have been all that good!
If it continues at this pace, I might need to change it sooner than I had imagined (usually, I’m able to keep my cure for a whole year).
My salt water cure, at home, after a month.
If you would like to see the before photo, you can take a look at my earlier post.
Good luck using this powerful remedy! Please feel free to ask me questions below. I’ll try to answer as soon as I get your comments.
Many blessings,