Feng Shui tips for the Yang Metal Rat year according to flying stars — Feng Shui with Me

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How to prepare your home for the year of the Rat

It’s almost Chinese New Year in a couple of weeks, on January 25th, 2020!
Therefore I wish you a happy new year! 
It’s the year of the rat: an intellectual, charismatic influencer. And this year, the rat energy will materialize in a Yang Metal form. While the pig year was materialistic, the Metal rat is intellectual and cold. 
Now, here are my main recommendations for 2020. I will describe the positive and negative sectors in your home, according to the Flying Stars method (not a method I use year round, because of its complexity and its changing nature, but I find it useful at the beginning of each Chinese year and when moving into a new home). 
During the year of the Rat, the Flying Stars will make apparent that the following areas are best to avoid: the North, the South, the Center, and the East

The traditional way of not disturbing these areas is by avoiding drilling, construction or renovations in those sectors of your home.  But if you have to build or landscape in any of these sectors, you can place a wind chime outside the home, near the area that is being renovated or relandscaped.
See below the lucky and unlucky directions for 2020 according to the Flying Stars. All these cures should be placed before January 25th.

It should be noted that people living in apartments will have to take their compass directions, and combine some traditional Feng Shui with front door Feng Shui. For example, if I live in an apartment and my front door is in Career, but also in the South, some cures might seem less intuitive to you. Use the compass to guide you and while you can keep your front door Feng Shui the same, you will just add the cures mentioned below in the right cardinal directions. 
Positive areas in 2020 (activate with a water feature, crystals, mirrors, chimes, décor):

  • West - 9 Annual star (healthy leafy green plants)

  • North West - 8 Annual star (gold objects, no fire or candles, wealth and luck symbols, a rose quartz)

  • North East - 1 Annual star (Metallic objects, a golden toad representing wealth, a wealth pot. No fire)

  • South West - 4 Annual star (activate with a water feature, dark colors. No metal or reds)

  • South East - 6 Annual star (decorate with blue, black, and gold)

Negative areas in 2020 
You can place a salt water cure in those areas, which will absorb negative energies. In addition, here are a few more cures:

  • South (Sickness star) - 2 Annual star (place 6 Chinese coins tied in a row, a salt water cure or a singing bowl)

  • North (Disputes and legal issues) - 3 Annual star (decorate with the color red)

  • Center – 7 Annual star (Place water colors, no fire or candles)

  • East (bad luck and sickness star) - 5 Annual star (No fire at all. Instead, display a round metallic object, or decorate with grey and white colours) 

If you have any doubts, please do not hesitate to email me with questions or book a consultation!
Many blessings for the New Year,