What is Feng Shui, really? — Feng Shui with Me

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What is Feng Shui, really?



First, Feng is literally translated “wind” and Shui means”water”.
Most people know Feng Shui as “the art of placement” and know that it started in Ancient China.
However, it is much more that that.
In ancient China (centuries BC), people started to identify ways in which the natural energy around them behaved and how it affected them. They experimented and found that there were favorable locations to build homes where happiness, health and luck were optimal. In those “comfortable” spaces, there were no threats, a perfect balance of the five elements and a balance of the Yin and the Yang.     
In essence, if a person shifts and balances the energy in their surroundings with Feng Shui, it will lead to a more harmonious life.

While this is all true, I feel like we miss the real picture if we fail to dig deeper.
I am convinced that Feng Shui would be much more widespread if we really knew its origins and its relationship with the overarching philosophy conveyed in the I-Ching and in the Dao (which is derived from the I-Ching).
What is the Dao in a few words?
The Dao, or “Dao De Jing” was written by Lao-Tzu some time in 600BC. It is the Way of Heaven. It encourages people to follow the principles of Dao for a meaningful, long and peaceful life. It is the base of Daoism (Taoism).
What is the I-Ching and how do I use it?
The I-Ching is at the root of Chinese Philosophies and the mother of Feng Shui, Chinese medicine, Chinese Buddhism and Daoisim. The present day version of I-Ching was compiled between the 10th and 4th centuries BC.
The I-Ching, also known as the Book of Change, is a very short book but very rich in content. The I-Ching talks about “Change’ or “Handling Change“. It is about being able to meet life’s ever-changing situations and taking care of them in order to a live stress-free, abundant and vibrant life.
While the I-Ching is mostly thought of as a divination book, it functions both as an oracle and a philosophy of life. 
It is said that in ancient China, yarrow stalks were used to ask questions to the I-Ching. Today, people use Chinese coins, and more recently, the internet. Various questions can be asked, from the best timing for a wedding to the more spiritual, emotional or philosophical questions. The I-Ching and its poems have an “answer” to all your questioning.
People consult these 64 hexagrams or poems by forming a question in their minds, and then generating a hexagram by tossing coins. The hexagram, or six-sided message, contains the advice.
Several websites allow you to do it electronically. Just Google: “Consult the I-Ching”.  Or you can just buy the I-Ching book and pick a page.
How should I interpret my answers?
Read the hexagram and its associated poem. At first, try not to read the interpretations that often come with the oracle. Just soak it in. If the reading is too obscure, then read the interpretations.
The more questions you ask, and the more you apply the advice you receive, the more deeply you will understand the Book of Changes.
Is the I-Ching some kind of superstitious tool used by astrologists?
While the I-Ching is often imagined as supporting the theory of determinism and has been mistaken by Christianity for superstition, it is quite the contrary. 
When you consult the I-Ching with a question in mind, you do not expect a clear answer on what’s going to happen for sure in your life. Much like consulting the Dao, you read your answer in the form of a poem, and you reflect on it and act accordingly. It sheds light and offers help on how to navigate a current situation.
Again, it is the study and Acceptance of Change. You hold your ‘fate’ in your hands. What you are born with is just the beginning. What you end up with is in your own hands. The I-Ching encourages the reader to discover and accept their strengths, weaknesses and deal with their present circumstances.
What do I do next? And how does it relate to me and my practice of Feng Shui?

As I have written before, Feng Shui is a process, you are supposed to revel in it. It is not just a quick “how do I get what I want” fix.
Feng Shui, as it was conceived originally, is a silent teacher for self-learning.
Let yourself explore Feng Shui and the I-Ching at a slow, comfortable pace. Allow them to reveal themselves to you slowly, as they contain the wisdom of many thousands of years.
Feng Shui and the I-Ching help you cope in hardships and savor your successes because you feel they are earned.
This is one of the reasons why using Feng Shui to “get what you want” could work, but it would not grant you the “happiness” and feeling of peace and gratefulness that comes with it.
Visit my website for more tips or book a consultation with me at www.fengshuiwithme.com.
Much love,