I love a Feng Shui Before and After — Feng Shui with Me

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I love a Feng Shui Before and After

If you're like me, you enjoy seeing a Feng Shui Before and After.

So I'm sharing for you a transformation at this London home. See the house BEFORE the transformation.

What do you notice?

That’s right… You notice lots of grey.

I have no problem with grey. Grey, metal, is actually a great color for brain stimulation, as is white. In fact, the metal element is very much connected to clear mental activity. These colors could work very well in an office.

However, as you can imagine, we needed to balance the bedrooms, living room, dining and bathrooms so as to incorporate more fire, earth and wood.

And here is the house AFTER the consultation. CLICK on the images below to see the whole house remodel.

There is much more warmth in the space thanks to this rebalance.

When we have spaces with a dominant color palette, it’s very important to reincorporate the missing elements.

I hope you enjoyed this transformation!

Feel free to email me to book your free 10-minute consultation!

Many blessings,
