This is why I have been a little quiet
The beginning of the year is usually the busiest for me in my Feng Shui practice.
Before each new Chinese calendar year, I issue my list of recommended sectors to avoid or enhance in your home. It is when my clients are the most motivated. They have their resolutions for New Year, and they want to implement changes immediately.
So, in January and February, I consult several times a week. Then spring comes, and people have renewed energy and clean, or they put their house on the market, and more happens then, and then my activity slows down for a couple months and picks up again in the summer, when people’s projects abound. More time is spent around the house. People take note of what’s not working for them at their home.
And then as fall comes, Feng Shui consultations generally tend to slow down again, until it’s a new year again.
I’ve been on this flow of Feng Shui for at least 6 years, doing in full time. And I have loved it! But this year, I have decided to move from Paris to the South East of the USA, and explore a different life, closer to nature. So, I have not been on the same cycle this year. I have not been able to take on as many clients as in the past. I have slowed down on writing newsletters.
I incorporated another side of myself – my love of nature, and water in particular – into my professional life. I am now working part time for a non-profit that preserves the waters, the Mobile Bay, so that people can enjoy swimming and eating fish as they should. Unfortunately, fighting for the right for clean waters is a very difficult battle.
Feng Shui (“Wind Water”) has (obviously) a very strong tie to the Water element, which is believed to either “make you “or “break” you. Water in the wrong place or dirty water can be detrimental to health. Clean water in the right place can be the jewel of your home or your neighborhood or your whole region. A pool or pond in the right place is the guarantee of prosperity, longevity and happiness. This is why handling the water element should always be under a Feng Shui professional’s advice, when it comes to your home. Deciding where to put a pool, a bird bath or a water fountain is well worth the price of a Feng Shui consultation, as the effects (positive or negative) will reverberate tenfold or more.
Now that I am settled here, I have the time for Feng Shui consultations again. Feel free to email me and book a time.