Latest consultation reveal + Love Gua — Feng Shui with Me

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Latest consultation reveal + Love Gua

I am writing this 1 month after this consultation. I have to admit that even I am shocked by the quick results of our work together with my client.

She needed clarity in her relationship with her boyfriend. She wanted to know they would spend their life together.

I arrived and we meditated for about 15 minutes. We felt what the space needed. This is a tandem work I do with my client: yes, I am the one who knows Feng Shui, but my clients are the ones intimate with their space. After our meditation, we immediately created this cozy corner you see below by the window, which is located in her Love Corner.

We arranged the loveseat so it would be inviting with these lovely blush cushions. We rearranged the bookshelf completely and added shades of pink, reds and oranges. We placed a zillion romance-related items and symbolism inside the bookshelf and decluttered thoroughly.

We moved stuff around and she ended up with this lovely space which oozes of romance and shared love. We also enhanced the fireplace which is the Reputation Corner.

Well, it worked. He proposed. She said yes.

That’s just amazing, isn’t it?

See you soon for the next Feng Shui reveal.

Much love,
