Feng Shui Consultation with Marianne — Feng Shui with Me

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Feng Shui Consultation with Marianne


Feng Shui Consultation with Marianne


A full virtual Feng Shui consultation entails a complete Home or Office Energy Makeover guaranteed to turn your home or office into a vibrant haven and your life into a joyful ride.

During my own preparation time:

  • I read about your goals and or interior design goals for your home and life.

  • I calculate and create your Bagua Map, the main tool we use in Feng Shui. The Bagua Map correlates areas in your home with areas in your life. So if one or more areas of your life are suffering (love, finances, health, career or otherwise), I will specifically target the space in your home correlated to that area of your life.

  • I calculate your personal (and/ or your family members and employees) best Feng Shui orientations to sit, sleep and work, so you can always be your healthier, happiest and most productive self.

  • I analyze your photos/ videos of your home to be able to give you specific tips about rearranging your home. If a remodel is being undertaken, I go deep into how the ideal Feng Shui home would be for you. If you have not yet bought your home and are browsing houses, apartments or offices, I will go through your options and give you my Feng Shui assessment for those spaces based on the internet listing or your own visit videos/ photos.

    During our 1h30 to 2-hour Zoom (or Skype, WhatsApp or FaceTime) consultation, I will explain:

  • the basics of Feng Shui and give you many useful advice regarding the areas of your home to improve.

  • I will talk about your home's + and - in relations to the floor plans and what I see.

  • I will go in depth in the remedies we can implement. We can chose furniture together, but also a more comprehensive range of remedies.

As a support for you during and after the consultation, I will give you the following handouts:

  • your Bagua map

  • Your Kua number calculation and best directions

  • Your Elemental charts for yourself and your family members (or main collaborators).

  • A full list of my Feng Shui suggestions and/ or a recording of our session.

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