Feng Shui with Me

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Remove the Feng Shui blocks from your home that prevent you from living your best life

REAL LIFE miracles happen when we raise our vibrations

Do you ever feel like the energy in your home is stunting your growth?

Have you considered trying Feng Shui, the ancient art of rebalancing the energy in your home, in order to overcome life blockages and shake things up?

What if you woke up in a home where you feel energized, your heart full of love, your mind clear, your goals laid out and ready to seize the day?

What if you could make free choices without fear of the future, and actually enjoyed spending time in your home? What if you had amazing relationships, inside and outside your home, career opportunities, a refreshed perspective on life? What if your guests lingered at your house for hours, just because?

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that seeks to reenergize a space by using the Five Elements theory and the Yin Yang theory, among other powerful tools. When practiced correctly, Feng Shui is transformational, it is life-altering. We could say that Feng Shui is to the home what Acupuncture is to the body.

Photo by G. de Montebello

Photo by G. de Montebello

Hi! I’m Marianne Gordon, Feng Shui consultant and founder of Feng Shui with Me.

And my promise to you is that following my method, good things will come. You don’t need to figure out exactly how. The energy will shift. Old negative patterns will be broken. Luck will turn. My method is unique and has been tried over and over.

Among my Online Students, I have students that have doubled their business, been able to afford their dream life, became pregnant despite infertility issues, found lasting love, and so on. And all of them live better and are more resilient than ever. Because it’s not just about reaching your goals, it’s about a deep transformation.


“Thank you Marianne! My business has easily doubled after I made some Feng Shui changes to my office and home after completing your course! So thank you so very much!” Rebecca T.

“Hi Marianne! I didn’t have the chance to tell you that after 15-20 days of the changes I made to my house, I found a partner who is very caring!!!! So, since it worked for me, I’m telling all my friends that they need to complete the course! I really appreciate your work.” Kiki S.


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Feng Shui is the ancient art of balancing the Chi (life energy) in spaces using the Bagua map.

It does not matter what the latest decor trend is if it does not support your wellbeing or your growth.
— Marianne Gordon